Sunday, February 2, 2025

Presentation of the Lord Homily

Today we celebrate the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord in the temple.

We must remember that what was taking place was in the context of a Jewish ritual. Firstly, the mother was to be purified following giving birth to her child. Secondly, the firstborn was to be presented in the temple 40 days after his birth. This presentation serves as the consecration of one’s child onto God.

Despite Jewish ritual taking place we know that Christ is God Himself. We came to proclaim this reality through our celebration of Christmas. He is God who has made His dwelling place among us. It is He who is the “Light to all the nations” who shines brightly for all. From His eventual cross that brings forth our salvation will shine that great Light of His Resurrection for we have been redeemed.

This Light proceeds out into the whole world bringing hope to all that it touches. So too this Light must penetrate into the depths of our own heart. We must be consecrated to God by how we choose to live and order our life on this earth. So often we are found willing to abandon what has been handed onto us here for the sake of other pursuits.

Let us continue to commit ourself unto the Lord in such a profound manner in order that we may allow this great Light to shine forth to all the nations.

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