Sunday, January 26, 2025

3rd Sunday of OT Year C Homily

It is easy to navigate this life as if we are left all alone to figure it out for our self. As people of faith we must remember that we are never alone. We remain united to Christ and all the angels and saints of Heaven. We are united together with one another as the Church here on earth who together orient our sight unto the Lord our God.

Saint Paul reminded of this unity that ought to be present in his 1st Epistle to the Corinthians. Here he remarked, “all the parts of the body, though many, are one body.” Through the reception of Holy Communion we profess this unity that is present in the Church for we remain united in Christ Jesus.Therefore, the faith that we profess transcends the here and now as it looks outward towards the life which will come.

As we profess in the Nicene Creed, “I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church.” These  are known to us as the four marks of the Church. We are thus able to see that we remain united in our common belief. For us dissent on a matter of faith and morals would be to put ourself outside of this unity which is present in the Church.

As people here in Johnson City it can be so easy to forget that we are not just a single entity known as Saint Mary’s Church. Rather, we are a parish which is a part of the Diocese of Knoxville under our bishop, Mark Beckman, which is united to Rome under our Holy Father Pope Francis. When due to distance we have been placed so far away from Knoxville it is easy to forget this reality. 

Next weekend we will have the opportunity to assist with the annual bishop’s appeal. This appeal provides for the needs of the many ministries which make up the Diocese of Knoxville. I invite and encourage you to read the insert placed in your bulletin for this appeal.

Through this appeal we are able to provide for the education of our seminarians, priests, and deacons. Catholic education, young adult faith formation, and college campus ministries are strengthened. The needs of Catholic Charities are provided for in order that we may continue to provide for those who are in need. Medical care is provided for those are in need through the mobile medical clinic.

Let us choose to remain united to the Body that is the Church for here we will never be left alone. In the Eucharist we remain united unto Him as we are sent forth from here to look towards Christ and to live our encounter with Him each day with all those whom we meet. Let our life remain directed onto the Lord our God.

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