Today we celebrate the External Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.
As we pray during the Leonine Prayers at the conclusion of Holy Mass: Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.
When we glance at the past we can see the ways in which we are in need of the infinite mercy of God. When we look upon this present moment we can see the ways in which we are in need of the infinite mercy of God. When we look to the future we can see the ways in which we are in need of the infinite mercy of God.
Nevertheless, there are those who fear that due to something in the past, the present, or the future that they are unable to be forgiven. The Lord is His mercy desires that we all be saved, but we must be willing to open wide our heart to be found receptive of such mercy and forgiveness. With the assistance of God’s mercy made manifest in the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus we can learn to love ourselves for God’s glory and further come to trust in His perfect mercy.
In the words of Saint Augustine: “Trust the past to the mercy of God, the present to His love, and the future to His providence.”
If these words are to hold true within us we must look outward to the Sacred Heart with the realization of God’s love for us. In the words of Saint Josemaria Escriva, “If a crisis does exist, it is a crisis in men’s hearts. Men are short-sighted, selfish and narrow-minded. They fail to appreciate the great depth of Christ’s love for us.”
We see this made manifest in this world. There are people who have turned their hearts away from God. There are people who profess the Catholic faith with their lips, but their hearts are kept far from Christ and His mercy. We cannot be despondent. We must be found active in our practice of faith. Through such activity we live for Christ and His commands and are found receptive and His love and mercy.
Through devotion to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus we are reminded of the need to make reparation for offenses made against the Lord. Through reparation may our heart and those of all in the world open their heart unto the mercy of God.
God is merciful and loving, but we most choose to live in such a manner that is receptive to this gift that we have received. If we are not receptive we will be cast out for the Lord will not know us by the way in which we have lived our life. In all things let us live for Him for He is Lord of Lords and King of Kings.
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.
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