Saint Paul instructs in our Epistle that “we are always courageous.” With all that takes place in our life and world how can we always be courageous?
For some the word courageous stirs up the image of a cowardly lion desiring courage. More seriously what is stirred up is the image of a soldier heading into battle. Here the image that is being called to mind is one being heroic due to their own strength.
It is important to realize that being courageous must be connected to the movement of God in our life. For this reason Saint Paul also stated, “we walk by faith, not by sight.” So often people move about disconnected from the life of faith. It is through connection to God that we are strengthened in the midst of great adversity.
Another word for courage is fortitude. Of fortitude we are told in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, that it “enables one to conquer fear, even fear of death, and to face trials and persecutions. It disposes one even to renounce and sacrifice his life in defense of a just cause.”
Saint John Paul II would constantly say “be not afraid.” For some there is a lot for us to be afraid of. Whenever we look out into the unknown it is easy to be filled with fear. Just because we place our trust in God does not mean that our life will become easy. It does mean that we are given the strength to endure each and every thing that comes our way.
With our trust placed in Him we can indeed “be not afraid” for we can be “always courageous.” We cannot allow fear to keep us from embracing and spreading the life of faith. We cannot allow fear to cause us to lose the virtues of hope and faith. So many allow themself to be thrust down in such fear instead of allowing the Lord to lift them out of it.
Courage does not mean that we reject the reality that has been set before us. Death does exist, that cannot be changed, but it is something that does not have to be feared. Sickness will continue to be a part of our human existence, but it does not have to be feared.
Wherever fear may be found we must take these things unto the Lord and allow the gift of God’s grace to assist us in enduring them with faith. With faith we can live out these words which were placed firmly on the lips of Saint Paul and thus “we are always courageous.”
“We are always courageous” for our hope is in the Lord. Despite those hardships that give rise we will find out trust in Him and “be not afraid.”
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