Sunday, March 2, 2025

8th Sunday of OT Year C Homily

It is hard to believe that Wednesday is the start of Lent.

This gospel passage is very timely in light of the preparations that we now undertake for this sacred season. Here we were challenged to look inwardly upon self in order that we may remove “the wooden beam from (our) eye.”

It is interesting that it is only a splinter in our brother’s eye, but a wooden beam in our own eye. This is a huge difference. Nevertheless, we so often infatuate our self with that splinter instead of worrying about that which is taking place within our self.

What would your answer be if you were asked what is wrong with the world? Maybe your answer would be a president past or present. Maybe your answer would be a group of individuals that you do not agree with politically or morally. The list is endless.

When this question was asked to GK Chesterton his answer was simple, “I am what is wrong.” This answer relates perfectly to our gospel and the concern that must exist within us concerning the wooden beam in our eye.

We are in need of such inward recollection instead of avoided that which is uncomfortable. From this recollection we must challenge ourself to bring about change in order that we may be more like Christ and remove that wooden beam from our eye.

During the season of Lent we are especially challenged to fast, pray, and give alms. These practices should transcend a mere obligation and be done out of love for God and the desire to better conform our self unto His will.

Giving something up just to give something up leaves us changed in no way when Easter finally arrives. If our purpose is to mindlessly pass through Lent then what is the point? The point must be to be transformed that we may better embody Christ in the midst of our daily life.

My brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus let us dare to allow Lent to be fruitful. As we prepare for this sacred season let us look inwardly upon self and with the help of God’s grace undergo those practices which are necessary to remove the wooden beam from our eye.

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