Sunday, September 12, 2021

Homecoming Celebration Mass Homily

I welcome all of you to this celebration for the local Church here in Johnson City, Tennessee. Our bishop gave of us this date for this is the weekend following September 8th which was the birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This is most fitting for us for we find ourself under the patronage of Mary. May she pray for us and may we foster devotion to her always.

Our Gospel challenges us to take up the cross and to follow after the Lord. With all that we have been through due to COVID-19 this message remains one of great importance. Despite what we have been through there continues to be a lot that lays ahead. Even now our area has had a record number of cases. Nevertheless, let us realize that the Lord is with us always. There is never a cross which is too great if we so desire to enter into it in order that we may truly live.

Outside the walls of the Church we are reminded of the importance of our faith. We are reminded that it must be something which is taken outside of the walls of the Church and lived. As we come to celebrate these Sacred Mysteries may we come to recognize this with the confidence of faith. Each and every time that we attend Mass and receive Holy Communion we are given the invitation to leave the walls of the Church and to live what we have received and to bring others into communion with it.

Let this truly be a day of celebration and let our faith be the source of our strength no matter the cross which may lie ahead for us.

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