Our second reading from 1st Corinthians reminds us: “A body is one though it has many parts.”
This is an important lesson for us to remember because our faith is one through the Most Holy Eucharist. As a parish we are on the verge of entering into the HOME Campaign and next week we will have our annual bishop’s appeal. These collections as well as what we offer to this parish display the unity that must exist within our faith.
We are not just a parish separated from the body, but instead we are a parish found in the local Church of the Diocese of Knoxville which is united to the body which is the Church universal.
The HOME campaign will assist us in assuring that the future needs of our parish and diocese will be met, so that we will be found prepared with our future needs. This year’s bishop’s appeal has been entitled: “Make me an Instrument of your Peace.” This title comes to us from the prayer of Saint Francis which we are probably familiar with.
In our Gospel Christ instructs us to be concerned with the sick and poor. In giving service to the sick and poor we make the words of this prayer manifest from within the world in which we live. The bishop’s appeal takes these words to heart because we should be concerned with the current needs of our diocese. There are many who need the healing hand of Christ brought into their life and support of this appeal ensures that this is made a reality.
So what are these needs and how do they correlate with the Gospel message?
- Clergy & Seminarian Formation: This is very important for us and the spread of the Gospel. If we desire the Eucharist we in return are in need of priests. There might even be a few among us who are called to this vocation of service.
- Catholic Charities: Serves the poor and the vulnerable ensuring that their basic human needs are met and that they are always looked upon as one who is created in the image and the likeness of God the Father.
- Christian Formation: Gives support to RCIA programs such as ours where adults are formed to enter into the Church at the Easter Vigil. May we remember to pray for those from our parish who are in this program. Also, this assists Catholic schools which we should be fond of because we have our own Catholic school. Many here received a Catholic education and thus we should know the value of supporting Catholic schools.
- St Mary’s Mobile Medical Clinic: Which goes to those who are in need and makes sure that their medical needs are met.
- Justice & Peace: Which ensures that the Gospel of Life is always defended. On Friday our country remembered the anniversary of horror against life which was the supreme support decision of Roe vs. Wade which allowed the sin of abortion to be legal in this country. Support in this area promotes the value of life from conception to a natural death.
- Youth, Young Adult, & Campus Ministry: Which supports programs at our universities and our youth in order that they may continue to nourished in their life of faith.
As Christians may we desire to grow in our concern for the sick, poor, and vulnerable. May we see the unity which is exists within our faith as is expressed by Christ who is present in the Most Holy Eucharist. “Make me an instrument of your peace. It is in giving that we receive.”
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