Sunday, May 17, 2015

Ascension Year B Homily

Thankfully the apostles have done more then simply look up at the sky and ponder for themselves what could have been. This Jesus whom they have been with especially during these past forty days since the Resurrection, had now seemingly been taken away from them. What they had just experienced was shocking and therefore their response was understandable, but thankfully they were reminded that they could not simply look up, but instead that they must always look forward and thus go out into the world to help establish Christ's Church on this earth. After all, Christ's Ascension did not mean that He would now be separated from them for all time, but instead pointed towards His true divinity which we know to be true from the words of Saint John's Gospel: "In the Beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word became flesh."

We so often allow ourself to get caught up glancing upwards at the sky wondering about what could of been. We need this same reminder that the apostles received to realize that we must always be moving forward instead of remaining stuck in our never ending litany of fears. Our faith is something that is alive and well, but so often we don't trust in it, but instead we allow ourself to trust in our many fears and insecurities. From time to time, we must be tapped upon the shoulder and thus in return be asked the same question that the apostles received: "Why are you standing there looking at the sky?" Do we not realize that Christ is still preset with us, do we not realize that the Holy Spirit is still in our midst and is always leading us forward, and do we not realize that out faith is still alive and well because it is founded upon Christ Himself?

(Not at 10AM Mass) Certain polls may speak of the diminishment of Christianity within our own country, especially that of Catholicism. We cannot be afraid of these numbers, but instead may we realize the need to stick close to the Church and faithfully profess what she believes instead of simply desiring the Church to cater to us. People desire in their heart to encounter the truth. It is no wonder then, that people fall away, because they have never been properly taught the Catholic faith nor have they come to a perfect understanding of the Sacraments. To be Catholic for them is only statement of culture. The Ascension tells us that we cannot get caught up looking into the sky, but instead are to be sent forth like the apostles who went out to preach the unity of faith and to draw all souls into that perfect unity that can only be encountered here.

(10AM Mass Only) At this Mass we have the honor of having our graduating seniors in our midst. You have been through a lot to get to this point in your life and I promise you that you still have a lot that you must endure before your life on this earth comes to its end; from graduating college, joining the workforce, discerning your vocation and faithfully living it out (many of you will be married, maybe someone will be a priest, and maybe at least one of you is called to the consecrated life, but above all you are all called to be saints), and thus in time you like all of us here will die; hopefully a holy death. Realize that you cannot look up to the sky and be afraid to move into any of life's stages. You are not alone because Christ remains in your midst. Do not allow yourself to move away from here at the sacrifice of your relationship with God and the Sacraments of the Church; this would be a huge mistake. Despite the many fears, pains, joys, and surprises that lay ahead for each of you please realize that Christ's Ascension gives us a great joy. 
Through the Ascension, Christ has now gone before us in order that the gates to Heaven may be opened wide on our behalf. These gates have been opened wide, not for us to look at the sky without concern, but instead that we may be to sent forth with the knowledge that sin and death has been conquered. To be sent forth with the realization that we are not left to look at the sky without hope, but instead to be sent forth to evangelize and to draw all souls to encounter Christ and His Church. The Ascension is an important Christian mystery because through it we are able to realize that Christ is still present to this day in out midst. He is present because He is not only fully human, but He is also fully divine. Christ now reigns with His Father in Heaven and thus despite whatever it is that we must endure upon this earth He is present in our midst.
Peter and the apostles should of realized this reality, now revealed to them through the Ascension, when the storms came and buffeted the boat. Christ was not present in their boat as one who is fully human, but instead He was present as one who is fully divine. Therefore Christ was present and with faith placed in Him those storms would of been calmed. The Ascension of Jesus reminds us that this is so and thus signals to us the great need to set straight out life for Christ. Let us not get caught looking up at sky as if we have been separated from Christ, but instead may live out our life in union with Him. Do not look up at the sky as one who is lost in what could of been, but instead be set straight upon the path that leads us to encounter Christ and the hopes and joys that He extends into our life. Through Him and His wondrous Ascension we come to discover hope and joy which we in return should be willing to share with all those whom we encounter, so that they too may be made aware of the hope and joy that Christ has extended to us within His Church as is expressed through the gifts of the Sacraments. 

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