Thursday, June 14, 2012

Thur 10th Week of OT Homily

1st Reading: 1 Kgs 18:41-46
Responsorial Psalm: Ps 65:10-13
Gospel: Mt 5:20-26

About three weeks ago the History Channel premeared it's three part series covering the fued between the Hatfields and the McCoys. Even if you did not watch this program hearing these names has to at least bring to mind the fued that existed between these two families. Every day for them brought back memories of betrayel caused during the Civil War that could never be put to rest. Their anger rose to such great heights that these families did not have to think twice when they were putting each other to death. This amout of anger and hate might not be felt among us, but we can defiantly say that there are times when will allow our anger to get the best of us.
In today's Gospel Jesus is telling us how we must put any anger that we have aside. We cannot hold onto these feelings and eventually allow ourselves to be overcome by them. We are instructed by Christ that even calling our brothers and sisters in Christ names is punishable against His commandments. All of us can think of times that we have allowed our tongues to get carried away at the expense of other people. Out of respect for the humanity that they deserve we must refrain from speaking against them and instead allow our tongues to express the reality that Christ dwells within the depths of their souls.
We are told in this Gospel passage that we must "go" "and be reconciled with your brother" at the moment that we realize that we have wronged them in any way. As a Church we profess and teach reconciliation and forgiveness which means that we must also share this reality with those who we meet. If we find ourselves angry with somebody we must seek the proper form of reconciliation which can finally bring healing into our lives. We defently do not want time to pass us bye and in return leave us inshrined within history as holding to the same amount of anger as is documented within the lives of the Hatfields and McCoys.

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