Sunday, September 29, 2024

26th Sunday of OT Year B Homily (Not used)

Today we observe the 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time. Nevertheless, September 29th is the Feast of the Archangels where we venerate the only three angels named in Sacred Scripture (Saints Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael).

Angels have played an important role in God’s revelation to humanity. They remain important for each of us as we continue our journey here on earth towards the Heavenly Kingdom. On October 2nd we will celebrate the Memorial of the Guardian Angels. We cannot forget that we each have been entrusted with a guardian angel who offers guidance and protection that we may run this race towards Heaven.

Angels remain important throughout every aspect of our lives. When we gather for Mass we chant their angelic hymn in the Gloria and Sanctus. In the Preface we are reminded of them through the closing statement which always makes reference to the presence of the angels. We must always make room for devotion to the angels and our guardian angel to be present in our midst for we so often forget about their existence.

The angels are now in Heaven with God. It is their purpose to serve God, to praise God, and to worship God. Throughout history God has used His angels to communicate with us. At the Annunciation it was the Archangel Gabriel who brought about the invitation that Mary would conceive the Saviour of the world. It was Saint Raphael who journeyed with Tobiah and brought about healing to those whom he encountered. It is these angels who continue to aid us even though they remain unseen.

We cannot forget Saint Michael who thrusts Satan out of Heaven in the Book of Revelation. Saint Michael intercedes for us in the midst of the spiritual warfare that we encounter each day. Let us not get caught up in the wickedness and snares of the devil, but be liberated from these plights.

Our Gospel makes known that we must be willing to rid ourself of all that will get in the way of Heaven. If something causes us to sin we must be willing to let it go. What is it that we latch onto that must be let go for the sake of the Kingdom of God? May the angels intercede for us that we may remain steadfast in our practice of faith and let go of all that keeps us from this Kingdom.

Saints Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, pray for us.

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