Sunday, September 22, 2024

25th Sunday of OT Year B Homily

In the Gospel of Saint Matthew our Blessed Lord states to us, “Every kingdom divided against itself will be laid to waste, and no town or house divided against itself will stand.” Our Epistle from Saint James paints a picture of such division brought about through our passions. Here our passions begin to wage war against all wisdom.

It should not be hard for us to imagine a world that is filled with such division. Wars continue to wage throughout the world between countries with different perspectives. A new election cycle brings about further division in the midst of a highly polarized world. Many no longer have a moral compass that has been formed by faith in Christ and so there is division that is brought about due to truth.

We must remain on guard against such divisions that are brought about. We must remember that we should be united in our practice of faith. As Saint Paul declares, “As a body is one though it has many parts, and all the parts of the body, though many, are one body, so also Christ.” It is Christ who must be our strength in order that we remain united onto Him through in all that we say and do.

If we want to counteract this division that exists and be moved back towards that unity that ought to be present we must allow Christ to be “the Way, the Truth, and the Life” in all that we say and do. As Christians this is the peace that we must strive for by overcoming those passions that run rampant which strive to pull us away from the Lord. We must hold steadfast in our faith as we remain watchful concerning all of these assaults which come our way.

Therefore, wherever conflict can be found among us we must realize that there is one truth for which our heart longs, Christ. We must come to know Him, we must come to serve Him, and we must come to love Him. If we fail to strive to grow in this relationship we have lost sight of what is important and have allowed ourself to instead be formed by the ways of the world. These ways will never lead us towards the unity that should be present.

Let us be sent forth from here to find our unity in Christ and the faith that we come to profess with our lips.

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