In all things Christ comes to fulfill.
Therefore this night the apostles gather with Him in prayer. In doing so they are carrying out the Jewish ritual of the Passover. It is Christ who becomes that sacrificial lamb upon the cross as He lays down His life for us out of love. In the course of this ritual He gives Himself to His apostles in the Eucharist.
In His words: “This is My Body.” “This is My Blood.” “Do this in remembrance of Me.”
The good and faithful Jew would realize that the Passover meal was to enter into that very day of the Passover itself. There is nothing that is symbolic in what is taking place. Likewise, it is at Calvary that time continues to stands still and we continue to enter into Christ’s saving action. For this reason Fulton Sheen once stated, “The Mass is the greatest love story every told.
This night we call to mind this reality of God’s love for us as we continue to rejoice in the gift of the Eucharist. May Eucharistic devotion be stirred up within the depths of our heart that we may do all things for the greater glory of God. To look upon the Eucharistic is to look upon Christ and to receive the Eucharist is to receive Christ.
Let us always be changed by this life giving encounter with Him and be found willing to live our life for Him always.
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