Saturday, April 8, 2023

Easter Vigil Homily

Christ is risen. He is risen indeed, alleluia! 

On this most holy of nights we proclaim the Good News of the Resurrection of our Blessed Lord. It is this news which springs forth from the depths of an empty tomb. Despite all that seemed to be touched by death the stone has been rolled away and life springs forth.

This night we welcome those who will be given new life in the waters of baptism. We also welcome those who will be received fully into the Church making their confirmation and first Holy Communion. Our prayers are with each of you for through this encounter with the outpouring of God’s grace your life will forever be changed for Christ.

We too need to be moved by this same outpouring of God’s grace. Our life of faith should not be regulated to a tomb to be left for dead. Instead our life of faith is to be sent forth, for it is alive, as we live each day for Christ and the Gospel.

There are some who see no hope in this world, but this empty tomb signals a great hope to us. Let us be people of hope as light has been brought into the midst of darkness. It is this light that shines forth brightly no matter what is taking place within this world. Let us be sent forth to live the Good News of the Lord’s Resurrection always.

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