Sunday, February 12, 2023

Sexagesima Sunday Homily

On this Sexagesima Sunday we move ever closer to the Lenten season. None of us should be caught off guard at the approaching of this sacred time. It is the purpose of Lent to prepare us for our encounter with the Risen Lord. It is this encounter which affords us hope and prepares us for Eternal Life.

The sower goes out in order to sow. This seed has the potential to grow and bear good fruit. Nevertheless, there is a lot which can potentially get in the way of this taking effect. As the elements of the earth creep in they cause harm to the potential that this seed holds. Without the elements of life the seed cannot be afforded life.

This is the same with our journey of faith. The pleasures of this earth creep in and pull us away from God who has given us life. We are in need of the element of God’s grace for without it there is no hope that our life will ever flourish. No matter how wonderful our life may seem to be it is nothing if it lacks the gift of God’s grace.

We are a unique soul which was given life by God. Nevertheless, we still feel the effects of the Fall where man chose to rebel against God. Life was instilled within us at the moment of our baptism when we came to be claimed for Christ and His Church on this earth. Despite this gift of life we are still called upon to do something with it. We cannot squander what has been given to us by God.

The Lenten season reminds us of the life giving waters of baptism and prepare us for a renewal of what was begun in us there at our celebration of Easter. The Lord died upon the cross, but on the third day He rose again and we came to be assured of life. Each day we should move towards this life and nurture that which has been given to us by God.

With this in mind let us properly reflect upon this coming season of Lent in order that we may more fruitfully enter into it. We should not just haphazardly wonder into Lent without proper preparation. In choosing to give up something for Lent we should understand how through it we are growing closer to God by letting go of vice and pursuing virtue.

The sower has sowed this seed upon the ground. Let us cooperate with the gift of God’s grace in order that this seed may grow and that life may be afforded to us. In such manner let us rid ourself of all that gets in the way of this reality taking place. We must be sent forth to bring forth this good fruit through our love for God and His Church.

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