Sunday, February 19, 2023

Quinquagesima Homily

The Lord states to His apostles, “Behold, we go up to Jerusalem, and all things shall be accomplished which were written by the Prophets concerning the Son of Man.”

Jerusalem is a holy place and a holy city that was chosen by God. It was here that the Temple was located which served as the dwelling place for God among man. Through the course of His earthly life He came to this city on many occasions. For example He came here when He was presented in the Temple.

Earlier in the Gospel of Saint Luke we are told, “When the days for his being taken up were fulfilled, he resolutely determined to go to Jerusalem.” There is a tension that exists between the Lord and those who hear His words. There are those who plea with Him that He does not make this trip to Jerusalem. They were worried that He would be captured and put to death.

It is on Palm Sunday that we observe His joyful entry into Jerusalem. The crowd received Him with great joy as they exclaimed, “Hosanna in the highest.” Soon their shouts of joy would be turned into shouts of condemnation, “Crucify Him! Crucify Him!” Likewise, we exclaim in the Sanctus, “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest.“ At the Holy Mass He is welcomed in for He lays down His life for us out of love upon the cross.

As we enter in the Lenten season we must join with Him. We must join with Him in going to Jerusalem. So often we are filled with those many emotions that surrounded the disciples. We are filled with doubt, lack hope, and struggle in faith. Despite these many difficulties we must journey towards the cross that redeems us.

In the Holy Mass we receive everything that we will ever need in order to take up this journey. We receive the gift of the Eucharist in order that we may be strengthened in our life of faith. This food for the journey sustains us in order that we may move forward with God’s help day by day. Let us never look back, but only look forward as we undergo this journey.

Ash Wednesday is this Wednesday. This day serves as the start of the sacred season of Lent. During Lent we have the opportunity to journey with the Lord towards the cross. In doing so we should let go of everything that keeps us from coming to know and serve Him in thought, word, and deed. The end result of Lent should not be being left unchanged, but changed for the Lord.

Let us join with the Lord as He goes up to Jerusalem. It will be here that He will lay down His life for us upon the cross. From this life giving reality we have been redeemed. Now let us join in the Lord’s suffering in order that we may come to rejoice in His Resurrection. Through His cross and Resurrection we have been set free.

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