Monday, July 4, 2022

Bulletin Article: July 3

After consultation with the Parish Pastoral Council I have added two important dates to our parish calendar.

Firstly, we will have a State of the Parish report given on August 29th from 6:45pm-7:45pm. The purpose of this evening is to present the current status of our parish and school along with future aspirations. There will be a few minutes set aside for various parish ministries to present to our parish community. This is not an open forum, but a time to be made aware of the current ongoings of our parish.

Lastly, our next Parish Discussion Session will be September 19th from 6:45pm-7:45pm. These sessions are important because they bring our parish family together for discussion. We must come together in order to build the puzzle that is our parish community. These evenings never have an agenda and move forward as the participants so wish.

Prior to each of these evenings there will be a pot luck dinner beginning at 6pm. I hope to see you and your family in attendance for both of these evenings.

In Christ,

Fr. Dustin Collins

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