Sunday, June 12, 2022

Trinity Sunday Homily

Today we celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity.

The Trinity is a form of family and of community. Within the Trinity we have three distinct Persons who at the same time are one God. Each of these Persons pours themself out entirely to the others holding nothing back, but not losing their own identity. The Trinity truly is a perfect glimpse into love, what family life should be, and how a community should act. God took on our human flesh in the second person of the Trinity and through this gift we are to enter more fully into the life of the Trinity and thus too the life of the family.

In his book “Three to Get Married” Fulton Sheen entitled one chapter, “Love is Triune.” Here he writes, “As the three Divine Persons do not lose their personality in their oneness of essence but remain distinct, so the love of husband and wife leaves their souls distinct. As from the love of the Father and the Son proceeds a third distinct Person, the Holy Spirit, so in an imperfect way, from the love of husband and wife there proceeds the child who is a bond of union which gives love to both in the spirit of the family.”

Pope Pius XII also remarked on this concept, “The family appears still more splendid if we consider that it is God’s image and likeness of the Trinity. Just as the essential unity of divine nature exists in three distinct Persons, consubstantial and eternal, so also the unity of the family is realized in the trinity of the father, the mother and the children, all of them living in the unity of fruitful love.”

Whenever God creates it is not just left alone. We are each called to enter more deeply in union with Him. In the family mom and dad do not simply have a child and leave them alone. Families must be a picture of God and His love that is made manifest to the world.

What can families do in order to accomplish this task? They can pray together, they love deeply, they can love generously, and they can love joyfully.

Our society is a busy place and so often families are fragmented as they are pulled all over the place. The Trinity serves as an important reminder that we must come together and enter into communion with God. By entering into the life of the Trinity we begin to love as God loves. Our word “charity” comes from “love.” Charity is not simply giving money to someone who is in need. Rather charity is the love that is encountered within the Trinity.

Therefore, I invite all here to enter more fully into this love. May our families begin to pray together and thus love God together. From this love encountered in God we are sent forth to love more deeply, to love more generously, and to love more joyfully. This is the love which is expressed in the in the Most Holy Trinity of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

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