Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Graduation Homily

Today we celebrate this joyous day in the life of our graduates. You have committed yourself to academic excellence and so this morning we are able to celebrate with you on this occasion of your graduation. 

The Lord instructs us in some pretty important words: 

“I am the vine you are the branches. Whoever remains in me and I in him will will bear much fruit.”

Throughout your time here these words have rang true. You have been brought up not only in academics, but also through a relationship with the Lord. It is God who is the vine. We must allow ourself to remain connected to Him.

Once you move away from this institution I hope and pray that you will bring with you not only your academic knowledge, but your love for God. The world has many voices which compete for this relationship, but you must dare to allow Him to be the one who reigns supreme. It is from Him that all things should flow. 

“I am the vine you are the branches.” Let each of us be these branches who remain united to Christ and His Church on this earth.

May God continue up to bless you the Saint Mary School Class of 2022.

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