Sunday, May 15, 2022

5th Sunday of Easter Year C Homily

 God warned Adam and Eve in the Book of Genesis, “But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat you shall die.” Sadly, they gave into the tempter and thus Adam was told by God, “By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return.”

These verses make reference to the effects of the Fall. We must remember that the Garden was perfectly created, but sin and death entered into it due to the consent of Adam and Eve towards the eating of this fruit. Each of us continue to be effected by the Fall. It is for this reason that baptism becomes so important for through baptism all sin, including original sin, is washed away. It was due to the Fall that it was necessary for the Savior to come in order to save us.

Throughout this Easter season we have been proclaiming the Good News of the Lord’s Resurrection. Without the cross and resurrection we would continue to antipate the day when the Messiah would come. It was through His saving act upon the cross that the doors to the Kingdom of Heaven were opened wide and now we have the hope of Everlasting Life in the Kingdom of Heaven.

The Book of Revelation speaks to this triumph, “He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there shall be no more death or mourning, wailing or pain, for the old order has passed away.” In other words, that which has entered into the world through the Fall is overcome in the life to come thanks to Christ and what He has done for us.

We should easily be able to point out all of the difficulties that continue to plague our world. These hardships are brought about through the effects of sin and death. We know that war continues to exist in the Ukraine. We know of the lack of respect pertaining to human life from conception until natural death. We can easily point towards bad things which happen to good people. Despite all of this and more we must remember that God always wins.

There is no reason for us to give into despair and to lose hope for God always wins. That which happened in the Book of Genesis was not the end nor was the cross the end. God always wins and thus He came to take on our human flesh and dwell among us. God always wins and thus He died upon the cross and rose again on the third day. God always wins for “there shall be no more death or mourning, wailing or pain, for the old order has passed away.”

Despite all that we continue to see played out within the media and our world let us remain people of hope. Let us realize and believe that at the end of time there will be a new Heaven and a new earth. God will always triumph! Let us turn away from sin and begin to live for the Lord for His Kingdom is one which will never pass away.

Truly, God always wins! 

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