Sunday, November 22, 2020

Last Sunday after Pentecost Homily

Today is the Last Sunday after Pentecost and when we gather next week we will be in the season of Advent and we will be moving towards the coming of Christ as Word made Flesh, not only as the Christ Child, but also at the end of time.

As we reflect upon this past year we can think of a lot that we have had to endure. The expectations of life as we know it have changed a lot due to COVID-19, but at the end of the day Christ remains unchanged. Sadly, people put faith in other realities then that of our Blessed Lord. They allow the ways of this world to tug at them until they become lost from the path which leads to Heaven or with the abundance of stress found in everyday life they begin to lose the virtue of hope.

False Christs and false prophets are all around us. They attempt to move us away from this o’ so important path which leads to Heaven. One of the ways in which this becomes manifest is through the reality of division. As Christ said elsewhere in Sacred Scripture: “And if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.”

This verse is important because Satan does nothing more then attempt to divide. We thus loose faith in the Church established by God because we have instead trusted in earthly voices. No matter the earthly voice let us our faith not falter, but instead may it always stand firm. No matter the trial and tribulation which lies ahead we must continue to trust in God and place our trust in Him and not the ways of this world.

As this liturgical year comes to its end, so to will a new one spring forth in its place. Thus too from every hardship, trial, and tribulation must we set our sight upon His Cross and Resurrection. From these realities the virtue of hope is always being made manifest as we orient our sight upon Him. Instead of embracing the cross and resurrection we so often rebuke these realities to give into the allures of worldly pleasures and the voice of false prophets. Again let us not be led astray and into despair, but as we transition into a new Church year may we come to be a people who manifest the virtues of faith and hope.

If faith and hope are to be made manifest and we are to turn away from these worldly allures let us remain open to the grace that God constantly pours out upon us and let us make full use of the sacramental life of the Church which means receiving Holy Communion in the state of grace and making use of the sacrament of confession. These realities open us up to true love itself and set our heart on fire for Christ which counteracts the worldly prince who does nothing more then turn us inwardly upon ourself.

Truly, the year that lies ahead will be a year of grace if we allow God to be at work in our life instead of trusting in the voices of false prophets and worldly allure which do nothing more then attempt to rip us away from Christ and His Church. As we close out this year and enter into a new one may our faith never falter and may we live out the virtues of faith, hope, and charity.

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