Monday, November 23, 2020

Bulletin Article: November 22

This Sunday we celebrate the Solemnity of Christ the King. When we gather next Sunday we will begin the Advent season and begin a new Church year. It is the purpose of Advent to prepare the way for the Lord’s coming at Christmas.

As we move into the Advent season and prepare for Christmas I wish to highlight the following events:

-On December 2nd we will celebrate the Solemnity of the Dedication of our Church with Mass taking place at 6pm.

-On December 5th we will celebrate a Rorate Caeli Mass at 6:30am. This Mass is in Latin and completes before sunrise and is done by candlelight.

-On December 5th following the 5pm Mass we will light our outside lights and gather in front of the school for hot chocolate and hot cider while we enjoy a few hymns on the Eve of Saint Nicholas. Saint Nicholas might even make an appearance.

-On December 8th we observe the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception with the vigil Mass at 7pm (Spanish) and Masses of the day at 6:30am (Latin), 8:30am, 12:15pm, and 7pm. 

-Our Spanish speaking community will observe the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe on December 11th with Mass taking place at 7pm. 

-On December 19th from 9-12pm Sister Maria Juan will present our Advent Day of Recollection on being watchful and conversion. This retreat will take place in the church and we will live stream it to our parish YouTube page.

-Christmas Masses will be 4pm and 6pm for the vigil and 12am, 8am (Latin), 10am, and 12pm (Spanish) for Christmas Day.

-Masses for the Solemnity of Mary Mother of God will be celebrated with a vigil Mass at 7pm and then Masses at 10am, 12pm (Spanish), and 7pm (Latin) on January 1st.

-The evening of January 2 our parish will celebrate an Epiphany Dinner which will be distributed from 5pm-7pm. More information will follow on this event in the near future.

Our parish will not hold a Advent Penance Service this year. Our parish offers confession each Wednesday at 6pm and Saturday at 9am. During this season of Advent I will also hear confessions beginning 30 minutes prior to a Sunday obligation Mass and ending 5 minutes to the start of Mass. Therefore confessions will also be heard Saturday at 4:30pm and Sunday at 7:30am, 9:30am, 11:30am, and 1:30pm. You can also always schedule a confession by appointment.

Finally, our bishop has updated his mandates concerning the celebration of Mass in the Diocese of Knoxville. Beginning next Sunday we will resume singing at Mass. Those who wish to receive communion on the tongue will now be able to do so once Mass ends. During Mass in the Extraordinary Form communion will be given on the tongue during Mass. After each communicant the priest will clean his hands prior to distributing when doing so on the tongue.

In Christ,

Fr. Dustin Collins

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