Monday, June 1, 2020

Bulletin Article: May 31

Welcome back to Saint Mary Parish. I hope that each of you has approached this day with great anticipation. Likewise, I hope that each of you continue to appreciate the gift of the Holy Spirit which was poured out upon the apostles on this Pentecost Sunday.

I know many would like to return to life as normal. I too have that same longing, but it is going to take time. As the days and weeks pass we will continue to evaluate everything and tweak our procedures as needed.

For these past two months I remain grateful to our parish staff for all of their hard work. I also thank Lillian for her tireless work with communications. Communications have been very important during this period of time. I also thank all of those who continued to support our parish financially for their sacrifice to our parish.

We are still in need of individuals to be on our Parish Pastoral Council and Parish Finance Council. Please contact me at the parish office if you would like to serve on one of these councils.

In Christ,
Fr. Dustin Collins