We have made it past our first full week of Masses since resuming. Our highest attended Mass of the week was the 10am which had 95 in attendance. It is my hope that in the weeks and months ahead that we will continue to see our attendance rise.
At the same time I remind all of you that a dispensation continues for everyone for the foreseeable future. If you are sick please stay at home. Those who are in high risk groups continue to be encouraged to stay home as well.
The church currently sits 258 people if everyone were to fit perfectly in the puzzle. We also have a plan for overflow seating using the chapel and gathering area which could accommodate up to 82 additional people. This is why it is important to sit where our ushers ask. Once attendance gives rise we would not be able to optimize our seating space if the Mass was well attended. I apologize for any inconvenience that this may be to you or your family.
Finally, I extend my congratulations for all graduates of 2020. At today’s 8am Mass we had the opportunity to celebrate our high school graduates. On August 15th, most fittingly the Assumption of Mary, we will hold our parish school graduation. It is my hope that by then we can offer a special banquet to our graduates and families to celebrate this important day in their life.
In Christ,
Fr. Dustin Collins