Sunday, April 12, 2020

Easter Homily


Our life has changed drastically and it only took a small amount of time to do so. It is hard to fathom that something as small as a virus has brought this world to a complete halt. Prior to this virus many would of thought their way of life to be invincible and yet here we are in a day and age where many throughout the world cannot even be present to celebrate Easter Mass in person.

If we go back to the early Church we would know that the apostles and early Christians did not have it easy. The Church flourished, but it had to do so underground. If one were to be found worshipping Christ they in return would be put to death. We on the other hand have it pretty easy and due to this simplicity it is easy for us to take this gift for granted. Now that all has been snatched away from us we will hopefully be lead towards never taking such realities for granted again.

Following the crucifixion it would seem that all hope had been lost. Christ had died, but He had not yet risen. Thankfully our knowledge of Christ does not end with the Passion, but continues towards the hope that is to come through the Resurrection. Likewise, as all seems to be tumbling down around us may we come to orient our sight towards this same reality. For from the Resurrection always shines forth a great hope.

During this Easter season and as we continue to face this plight, that is this pandemic, may we find out hope in consolation in this reality. This virus may of brought this world to its knees, but this virus cannot stop the Lord’s Resurrection. As the Lord sheds His rays of mercy, forgiveness, and glory upon us may we desire to continue to be drawn into relationship with Christ our Lord.

So many have enjoyed the successes of this life over this relationship. They do not allow themself to see the seriousness that sin plays upon this relationship. We have gone about busy pushing Christ off to the side. Hopefully now we don’t take anything for granted, but instead desire to be reunited with it. To become a people who don’t proclaim to be Christian in name only, but also by they way in which we live and order our life

Very soon we will have the opportunity to renew our baptismal vows. Hopefully when we say “I do” we firmly mean it. Let us realize that through the life giving waters of baptism that we were claimed for Christ Jesus. Through our “I do” we desire to renounce Satan, all his works, and all his empty shows. Through this renewal may continue to live for Christ Jesus and to find our hope in the reality of His Resurrection.

As everything around us seems to be uncertain and effected by this virus may we find our firm foundation in Christ our Lord and the fact that through His Resurrection springs forth the hope of life everlasting. This hope cannot be conquered by a virus for the Good News of the Lord’s Resurrection shines forth from the darkness of sin and death. Let us forever trust and orient our life towards this great light which shines forth this great hope.