I hope that each of you continues to have a blessed Easter season.
Since the very beginning of this pandemic I have taken the attitude that we can’t treat this as a snow day or vacation. With that our parish office continues to operate during normal office hours with employees at home. Our youth ministry and religious education programs continue on Zoom. Many of our parish organizations also continue to meet on Zoom or another conferencing app.
During this time communications have become specifically important. Therefore, I thank Lillian Issac and those who assist her for all that they have done to keep the parish in the loop. If you have not already done so I encourage you to follow our parish Facebook page, subscribe to our parish YouTube page, and subscribe to the Sentinel.
Moving forward I will continue to post daily Mass to our YouTube page after it is offered. Our parish will also begin to have a live Mass in English at 8am and Mass in Spanish at 10am on Facebook.
Finally, Deacon Don is organizing Eucharistic visits to families of our parish. If you would like the Eucharist to be brought to your home and receive a blessing please email him and it will be arranged. During these visits the Eucharist remains outside and all must stay at least six feet away to allow for proper social distancing. I also continue to bless each nursing home and hospital each Sunday with the Eucharist.
In Christ,
Fr. Dustin Collins