Monday, March 30, 2020

Bulletin Article: March 29

Despite there being no public Masses in the Diocese of Knoxville, Father Jesus and I will continue to offer Mass privately. The parish now has a YouTube page where these Masses will be uploaded if you wish to watch. We have currently closed the parish Mass intention book and will work through the existed intentions. Once we are able to run as normal again the Mass intention book will be opened again.

Our church remains open each day from 8am-8pm and we invite you to come and pray. We are also exposing the Blessed Sacrament from 8am-4pm. During this time we will also continue our current confession schedule of Wednesday at 6pm, Saturday at 9am, and Sunday at 1:30pm.

Also, to shed some joy to our parish community I announce that Deacon Zachary Griffith’s ordination to the priesthood has been scheduled for August 29 at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Knoxville, TN at 11am. His Mass of Thanksgiving and banquet will be the next day. I will get you more information as it comes available, but please mark your calendar.

In Christ,
Fr. Dustin Collins