Lent is now upon us. With that I continue to invite you to participate in our various Friday activities of Mass at 5:30pm, Knights of Columbus fish fry, and Stations of the Cross at 7pm.
For the men of our parish I invite you to our Men’s Evening of Recollection on Tuesday, March 3, at 6:45pm. This time includes time for prayer before Blessed Sacrament, confession, and fraternity. The men’s Welcome group is also currently looking for men to attend their annual retreat which will be March 28-29. I encourage your participation if you have yet to make this retreat.
Finally, during this Lenten season I invite you to a few parish goals: (1) Take an hour in our parish Blessed Sacrament chapel (very soon I hope that we will be able to fill 24 hours a day again), (2) spend time in the gathering area following Mass to get to know parishioners of our parish who you may not currently know, and (3) pray a rosary each day for the good of our parish community.
In Christ,
Fr. Dustin Collins