We are uncomfortable with the one thing that we cannot escape, death.
Nevertheless, death is the only avenue which leads towards Everlasting Life. In all reality death is something that we should not fear, but rejoice for. Despite this reality it can be hard to trust in the Lord at one’s final hour and it can be difficult to find that healing that we are in need of when we mourn the loss of a loved one.
Upon this earth we are only given so much time. When we think about it this time which has been given to us is short. How much of this time do we spend preparing for our death? It was not uncommon for individuals to keep skulls upon their desk to remind them of this eventual fate. This fate is something that we too must set our sight upon and thus prepare ourself for its grasp.
We prepare ourself for this eventual grasp of death by striving for Heaven each day. We can only do this with the help of the Lord and the Church. It is not enough to stumble our way into Heaven, but we should instead strive for it.
All Souls Day is an important day in the life of the Church because through it we are reminded of those who have now been called home to God, but must first be purged. These are the souls in Purgatory and we must continue to pray and offer sacrifice for them. At so many funeral liturgies we are told that our loved ones are now in Heaven and we have nothing to fear. This short changes these souls out of our prayers. We must remember to pray for them and sacrifice for them. Even if they are now in Heaven our prayers will not be wasted, but will go to those who are in need.
May we continue to pray for these souls and strive to go where they are now headed.
Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them.
May the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.