The Church manifests itself in three realities all held together by one common goal. In the Holy Mass the priest breaks the host into three pieces. These three pieces represent to us the unity of these three realities which make up the Church.
Firstly, we have the church militant which is made up of each of us here on earth who must strive towards Heaven. Secondly, we have the church suffering who we will pay special attention towards tomorrow. Lastly, we have the church triumphant. The church triumphant is those members of the church who have died and are regarded as enjoying eternal happiness through union with God.
As we come to celebrate this Solemnity of All Saints our focus turns towards this last group. Nevertheless, through the course of time we know that the souls of the faithful departed will become saints. Finally, I hope that we see that we too here on this earth are called to strive to be numbered among the saints.
The saints are those who have been revealed by God to the Church by name, but are also those who have been called home to Heaven that we do not know by name through this revelation from God to the Church. That means that we probably do not have a canonized saint in our family, but that does not mean that a loved one who has gone before us into life eternal has not already reached their Heavenly homeland.
Of those saints who we now know by name we can study their life and see how it leads towards the common goal of union with God. Through the saints we see heroic lives of men, women, the young, the old, rich and poor, single, married, priests, deacons, bishops, popes, but most importantly fallen humans who have overcome sin and death to be called home to Heaven.
We should study the lives of these holy men and women and ask them to pray for us. We study the lives of actors, musicians, politicians, and athletes, but do not flinch an eye at the thought of these holy men and women. We fashion our style and choices after those of these celebrities, but do not allow the saints to form us into true disciples of the Lord who chase after virtue rather then the ways of the world.
Each and every one of us have been invited to be numbered among the saints, but do we desire to be numbered among them? Let us remember that to be a saint is to be in Heaven with God the Father for all eternity. If we are not a saint we have been cast out from Heaven and are in Hell. Surely, none of us want such a horrific demise.
Therefore, come to emulate the lives of the saints. Foster within your life proper devotion to the saints. Frequent the sacrament of confession and worthily receive our Blessed Lord in Holy Communion. As the church militant we must strive for Heaven. The battle may be difficult at times, but the saints show us that it is possible.