Next Sunday, August 25, the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite will resume at 2pm. This will now be a weekly Mass unless otherwise noted in our parish bulletin. Due to a prior commitment this Mass will not be offered on September 15. The community is always in need of liturgical ministers who would like to assist: (1) male servers, (2) choir members, or (3) ushers. If you are interested please contact the parish office to leave your information. This Mass is not a closed community and is open to all. Books to follow along are provided at each Mass for those who are in need of them.
I would also like to make you aware that Bishop Stika has asked that each parish offer a series of special Masses in conjunction with the cathedral. The schedule for these are as follows: Blue Mass on September 29 at 8am for those serving in law enforcement and as first responders, Red Mass on October 6 at 10am for those serving in the judiciary and legal profession, White Mass on October 20 at 8am for those serving in the health profession, and a Green Mass on November 10 at 10am for those who have or are serving in the armed forces. If you are involved in any of these areas please plan to attend. Also, please spread the word about these Masses to those you know who may be interested in attending.
In Christ,
Fr. Dustin Collins