Sunday, March 24, 2013

Palm Sunday Year C Homily

Our emotions change with the blink of an eye. Palm Sunday is a perfect example into this reality because through the course of our liturgy our emotions go from joy to hate to sorrow to hope. At the blessing of the palm branches and procession into the Church we were filled with joy as we welcomed Christ into Jerusalem. Of course our feelings could not remain that way and eventually we would be filled with hate and anger when through our sin we demanded that Christ would be crucified upon the cross. At the gruesome scene that would unfold through our words we realized with sorrow the loss of a loved one in the Saviour of the world. Finally when His soul was offered upon the wood of the cross we were filled with hope because from this sacrifice we would be promised eternal life. This liturgy from which we participate within encompasses our own lives that are filled with joy, hate, sorrow, and hope.

We can hold up any normal routine day as an example of this reality. In the course of a day through its many movements we can find ourselves to hold to many different emotions. We have moments when we are filled with joy. Joy that may be brought about due to prayer, receiving a good grade in school, getting a new car, or even getting to sleep in late. From our joy can quickly come hate and anger that can be brought about by a large list of things. Hate and anger caused from a lack of patience, a disagreement with a friend or family member, or receiving a call that awakes you from your dreams. Sorrow springs up in our lives at the moments where we realize that we have wronged other people through our selfish actions where we have desired to be served instead of serving. Finally hope springs forth because hope always remains that reconciliation can be found and our wrongs can begin to be healed.

In Holy Week we will get the opportunity to allow the passion of Christ to further unfold. Tuesday at the Chrism Mass will be a reminder of the day when Christ gave us the priesthood calling men forth who would bring the Sacraments of the Church into the lives of the faithful. On Holy Thursday we will walk with Christ when the Holy Eucharist was given to us. "This is my Body; this is my Blood." On Good Friday we will join with Him as He was sentenced to death in atonement for all the sins that we continually lash upon Him. At the scourging at the pillar He was filled with pain at each lashing that He received through our sins. We will join Him upon the weight of the wood as Christ takes His final breath and offers it up to God the Most High. In this final breath we were redeemed from our sins and hope was given to what will come on Easter Sunday. May we allow our emotions in the week that lies ahead to further transform ourselves away from the many worries of the world and sin towards the life giving realities of joy and repentance.

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