Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Wed of the 15th Week of OT Homily

1st Reading: Is 10:5-7,13-16
Responsorial Psalm: Ps 94:5-10,14-15
Gospel: Mt 11:25-27

There is nothing worse then the person who believes that they know everything. With this type of person there is nothing left for them to learn because they already know it. Of course in matters such as scripture and understanding the faith requires each of us to acknowledge that there is room for each of us to learn something more. This goes for each of us including priests. To think how bad a doctor would be if upon the day of leaving medical school they believed that they knew everything. If this were true they would have no reason to keep up with medical innovations and thus in time become ineffective.

In our Gospel Christ is not cutting down those who are wise and learned, but is pointing to those who are filled with pride. The prideful place themselves at the top of the world and thus they already know everything. Instead knowledge is given to the childlike because they are able to approach this knowledge through humility. Pride will never accomplish anything for us, but if we act through humility we will be opening ourselves up to Christ to acknowledge that we have more that we desire to learn about scripture and the faith that we profess. It is our life long challenge to continue to strive through humility towards Christ.
Today we celebrate the memorial of Saint Camillus de Lellis who is an example of living out a life founded upon humility. He struggled with his addiction to gambling and instead of trusting in himself alone gave himself over to Christ. He realized that he was nothing without Christ and then began to learn more about the faith daily. In time he began a religious society who was dedicated to working with those who were sick. May we take up his example and allow ourselves to open up to Christ through humility. May we allow this humility to further open up to our ongoing need to grow deeper into the reality of faith each day.

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