Friday, July 13, 2012

Fri of the 14th Week of OT Homily

1st Reading: Hos 14:2-10
Responsorial Psalm: Ps 51:3-4,8-9,12-14,17
Gospel: Mt 10:16-23

In today's Gospel we are told that we will be sent out like sheep among wolves. This imagery should make us instantly think of how tough it can be to live a life which respects our faith. There are many messages out there which are constantly coming at us and want us to turn from our beliefs and thus be devoured whole. Instead of giving into these messages we must trust in the Holy Spirit and open our hearts to it, so that we may be given the strength needed to encounter all of these wolves which are trying to put end to our growth of faith. The disciples encountered these same struggles and they were able to place their trust in the Spirit who was working within their lives.
The Holy Spirit does work inside of our lives and is willing to give us the strength needed if we can only open hearts to listen to its voice. If we can open our hearts, only a little bit, we can put to rest each urge which attempts to tare us away from our faith. Giving into these unnatural urges causes us to hear this voice less and less. We should instead allow this voice to speak more and more within our lives. By giving the Holy Spirit such weight within our lives we can trust that we will be able to endure each false voice that enters into our lives.
As we make room for the Holy Spirit to come and dwell within our lives our mouths will be able to proclaim the praise of the Lord. At each moment where we feel as if we will be led astray in our journey of faith we will be given the voice to cry out faithfully. Through growing in these habits we will begin to blossom like the vine and begin to produce much fruit within our culture. Our unmoving connection to the Spirit will give us the strength needed to enter into a world filled with many wolves and not have to fear as we allow our mouths to declare the praise of the Lord.

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