Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Wed of 1st Week of OT Homily

1st Reading: 1 Sm 3:1-10,19-20
Responsorial Psalm: Ps 40:2, 7-10
Gospel: Mk: 1: 29-39

Movies concerning exorcisms have attracted the public eye. To put it simply we have a desire to see the unknown while it has been tagged as being "truth." What could be scarier then sitting through two hours of "truth" which means that I believe that this could happen to me. The film that is currently playing in theaters is "The Devil Inside" which claims to be a film centered around "truth." The claim that this movie makes is that the Catholic Church acts as a bunch of cowards who will not grant exorcisms, but thankfully we have two renegade priests who go against the will of the Church and perform these exorcisms. Exorcisms do exist, but not as portrayed in movies such as "The Devil Inside." Instead we should worry ourselves with the healing sacraments of the Church and how they can bring healing to out troubled souls.

Today's Gospel reading shows the power and authority that Christ works inside of his public ministry. We see that he has the power to heal those who are in need and we see that he has the ability to cast out demons. Our Catholic faith is founded upon Christ and what he passed along to his apostles. Through the laying on of hands the priest has been set apart and is able to act in the "Person of Christ." This means that he does not act upon his own human hood, but draws upon the Spirit of Christ who dwells within his soul. As we now respond during the Mass: "And with your Spirit." Through this Spirit the priest can heal through the Anointing of the Sick and can even drive out the evil of sin through the Sacrament of Reconciliation. And yes the power of exorcism exists, but hardly as portrayed or seen in movies such as "The Devil Inside."

May each of us gathered here today trust in the healing nature of the Sacraments of the Church. May we no longer allow ourselves to walk about sick and in a state of sin. The Lord is calling out to each of us as He called to Samuel in today's first reading. The Lord will continue to call to us until we finally respond to His call. Once we fully hand ourselves over to the Lord we will no longer have anything that we will need to fear. In a matter of moments Christ will call out to us again in the form of His Body and Blood. May we accept this call and allow Him to come to dwell within our hearts and souls.

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