Friday, January 20, 2012

Fri 2nd Year of OT Homily

1st Reading: 1 Sm 24:3-21
Responsorial Pslam: Ps 57:2-4,6,11
Gospel: Mk 3:13-19

In today's Gospel Jesus called twelve men who would serve Him as His first priests. We have twelve men who each had their own strengths and weaknesses. Not one of these twelve was perfect, and all of them still needed the sacrifice that would take place upon the cross. We know that Judas was the one who would betray Jesus. We know of situations that Peter put himself in where he later had to be put in his place. The other ten apostles also had their situations where they showed their own humanity and therefore did something that was not in line with the teachings of Christ. Despite these limitations these men were still called to follow Christ as His first priests. We must therefore pray for all of the clergy of the Church that those who have been called to this specific ministry may be strengthened.

We have all been set apart through our baptism. Each of us who have been baptized have been called to go into the world and live out the Gospel. We are similar to the twelve apostles who were called because we each have our own strengths and weaknesses. May we be willing to live out a life where we try our hardest to live out our baptismal promises. At times when we fall may we take the example of Peter and return to Christ for forgiveness and mercy. Do to the fact that we have been called by Christ in this special way we must take it upon ourselves to preach Christ to the world through our words and actions. We must go into the world of darkness and sin and bring forth the light of the Gospel. All of this can only be possible if we place ourselves around Christ.

We have come to this Mass, so that we may draw closer to Christ. Through the reception of Christ in the Holy Eucharist we are being prepared for the ministry that we must bring to the world. "Go forth, the Mass is ended" does not mean that our work on this earth has come to an end, but shows that we must depart from this Church and bring Christ to the world. May the Holy Apostles intercede for us as we work with great fervor to bring the light of Christ into the world.

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