Next weekend is the Feast of Corpus Christi. This is an important liturgical day because it draws attention to the Most Holy Eucharist which is central to our faith.
During this past year we had to close our Perpetual Adoration Chapel due to COVID-19. Even at the time we did not have every hour of the day filled. I would like to reopen the chapel, but we must first fill all of the available hours if this is to happen. What is required of us according to the Church is: “Every effort should be made to ensure that there should be at least two people present. There must absolutely never be periods when the Blessed Sacrament is exposed and there is no one present for adoration.”
Currently we have adoration on Wednesday (9am-7pm) and Saturday (9am-4:30pm). We currently are trying to find adorers on Monday from 9am-6pm, but are not having any luck in filling these hours. We in the past have attempted to have adoration on Friday, but at the time it was impossible to fill the hours of 9am-7pm. Do we desire for the adoration chapel to reopen or would we rather it remain closed?
I personally hope and pray that we want this chapel to reopen. There are many fruits which spring forth for a parish with perpetual adoration which include increased Mass attendance and vocations. Tricia Klug or a representative of our perpetual adoration chapel will be available after all Masses next weekend seeking individuals who might be interested in taking adoration hours. Remember it was our Lord who asked, “Can you not keep watch with me for one hour?”
On Sunday, June 6, there will be a Eucharistic Procession. Do to now having an additional Mass on the schedule I have decided to move the Eucharistic Procession from its usual time of 1pm to 5pm in hope of bringing the parish together and allowing the upmost solemnity for this celebration. Following the 2pm Mass the Eucharist will be exposed which will give an opportunity for silent prayer before the Lord and then procession will begin at 5pm ending with Benediction.
Finally, I would like to invite each of you to a parish cookout on June 12th following the 5pm Mass. This will be a laid back evening with games and hotdogs on the soccer field. More information will be included in next week’s bulletin.
In Christ,
Fr. Dustin Collins