The Shepherd has certain requirements that must be taken care of if at the end of the day he is to be known as being a Good Shepherd. A Shepherd could never be considered good if they didn't take care of the basic needs of their flock such as providing them with a source for water and food. A Shepherd must also remain on watch because they must always be prepared to defend their flock from any danger that might befall them. The Shepherd spends so much time with his flock that his flock is able know him and in return desires to follow after him.
Today we celebrate what is known as Good Shepherd Sunday. We of course should know that it is Christ our Lord who is the Good Shepherd. Christ is the one who has led us to the waters of baptism where we in return were washed clean. Christ is the one who has led us to find nourishment for both our body and soul in the Holy Eucharist. Christ is the one who knew of the danger of sin and death that befell humanity at the Fall when Adam and Eve transgressed against God and in return was willing to die upon the cross to bring about our salvation. Christ is the one who has never left us alone, but instead has left us in the shelter of the Church and thus with the Sacraments. Therefore each and every single time when we study scripture and worthily partake within the Sacraments we get to know the voice of the Shepherd more and more and throughout the course of time are more willing to follow after Him. Christ is truly the Good Shepherd!
Today we celebrate with great joy this First Communion Mass. We have every reason to celebrate because finally after much preparation these children before me have the great opportunity to receive Christ our Lord for the very first time in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. These children have already been led to the safety of the waters of baptism by the Good Shepherd and now they are led towards the great nourishment that is found within the Holy Eucharist. I implore each of these children to continue to know and listen to the voice of the Good Shepherd. This voice will be heard and will become known as long as you stay close to Christ. Through the Eucharist you will stay close to Christ, through the study of scripture and faith you will stay close to Christ, through obedience to your parents you will stay close to Christ, through prayer such as the Holy Rosary you will stay close to Christ, and at those moments of sin return to Confession and you will stay close to Christ.
Within this Church there are many people who are called by Christ to follow after His example and thus become Good Shepherds. Firstly, you realize that your priests such as myself and your pastor are called to be Good Shepherds. Please pray for us and all priests, bishops, and our pope that we may be the Good Shepherds who will always lead souls to encounter the mercy of Christ. Secondly, and this is often left forgotten, there are also Good Shepherds of what is known as the Domestic Church. The Domestic Church is the Church at home. If parents don't want to take on the role of the Good Shepherd within their own home how can ever expect our children, such as these, to be raised in the faith and to know of the love of God. Without the Domestic Church and the parents willing to be Good Shepherds for their children this is impossible.
We rejoice with your children today on this occasion of their First Communion, but please be the Good Shepherds who will continue to teach your children how to pray, who will teach them how to study the faith, who will teach them of the importance of God's mercy in the Sacrament of Confession, who will lead them to Mass and not deprive them of the nourishment of the Eucharist, and of course all of this requires your example and your participation in being Good Shepherds. You must follow after the example of Christ the Good Shepherd whenever you go out to the lead the flock that is your family to safety.
On this Good Shepherd Sunday we are given every reason to rejoice. Please pray for these children who will receive Christ's Body and Blood for the first time. Pray for them that they will always come to know the voice of Christ and that they in return will always be willing to follow that voice wherever it may be that it leads them. Please pray for all parents that they may be willing to take the example of Christ the Good Shepherd upon themselves and thus be willing to restore the Domestic Church within their own home which will allow their children to hear and respond to the voice of Christ all the more. Please pray for vocations to the priesthood because we truly need more Good Shepherds who are willing to be good and holy priests who desire to lead souls to encounter the mercy of Christ. Please pray for our Holy Father, for all bishops, and all priests that we will always be willing to faithfully follow after the example that Christ the Good Shepherd has extended to us. Christ is truly the Good Shepherd may we always follow after the safety of His voice!