Sunday, January 5, 2025

Epiphany Homily

Merry Christmas! Today we observe the Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord.

This word “epiphany” is a Greek word meaning “manifestation.” Therefore, what is being celebrated is Jesus’s manifestation to the whole world as Messiah, the Son of God, and the Saviour.

In the account of the magi coming to do homage to the Christ child we are given the image of a star. It was this star that they saw “at its rising” and “preceded them, until it came and stopped over the place where the child was.”

The “star” is defined today differently then what it would be defined as to those who heard such words in our gospel. A star could be what we now call a star as well as anything that creates light in the sky such as the moon, planets, meteors, or comets.

This particular light which was seen by the magi was significant for it signaled to them a great joy. Through this star they were given the knowledge of the birth of “the newborn king of the Jews.”

Through such knowledge they traveled to see Herod in Jerusalem for they assumed that “the newborn king of the Jews” would be Herod’s own son. Instead they were sent elsewhere for the land to which they must travel was that of “Bethlehem of Judea.”

Some hold the theory that this star is Jupiter and Regulus staying within its setting for this would be seen as the rise and fall of a king and another who would take his throne. This light would of led them westward from Jerusalem, would of remained in front of them as they traveled, and would of been seen overhead once they arrived.

This child whom they came to do homage filled them with joy for He was not just any king, but the Messiah. This was God who has taken on our human flesh and made His dwelling place among us. This was the Saviour of the world who came in order that we be redeemed from our sinfulness.

The star lights the way to the perfect Light who is Christ. During this season of Christmas may we come to do Him homage with our life. Let us choose to live for Him for He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. To such a light we must make such a journey which leads us to being receptive of Him in all that we say and do.

O Star of Wonder, Star of Night, Star with Royal Beauty bright, Westward leading, Still proceeding, Guide us to Thy perfect Light.