Sunday, December 29, 2024

Holy Family Homily

Merry Christmas! Today we observe the Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Jospeh.

The 2nd Vatican Council document, Gaudium et Spes (Joy and Hope), proclaimed that “the family…is the foundation of society.” Saint John Paul II remarked “society, far from putting itself at the service of the family; attacks it violently in its values and fundamental requirements.”

This comment made by Saint John Paul II should be of no surprise to us. There is a increase of broken homes. There is a rejection of children at the heart of marriage. There have been attempts to redefine marriage for something that cannot be. Most of all we have taken our sight off of Christ and have ceased integrating our life of faith into the family.

This Feast of the Holy Family points our attention to Jesus, Mary, and Joseph and assists us in being given a glimpse into what family life is meant to be. At the heart of this relationship is Jesus who should remain at the heart of our life. Jesus, Mary, and Jospeh teach us about the importance of the family and its role in society.

In our gospel we were told of Jesus being taken by Mary and Jospeh to the temple in order to be consecrated to God. This was done to follow in obedience what was required in the Book of Exodus; that every firstborn be consecrated to God. Mary and Jospeh acted in obedience to this ritual and thus more profoundly handed their Son over to God which points towards His Divinity.

We too must strive to consecrate ourselves, our children, and our families unto God. The domestic church is the church which should exist within the home. Sadly, it is the domestic church which is so often left overlooked and forgotten. Our faith does not stay inside of the church, but is taken out into the world and into our own homes to be lived.

There are many things that we can do to model your family in such a way. The Legion of Mary promotes the traveling statue of Our Lady of Fatima and the consecration of one’s home to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. Both of these serve as reminders that our home must be a place of prayer. Also, don’t forget to study the faith, scripture, readings of the day, and more to model your family after Christ.

May the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph be our guide for the family is truly the foundation of society. We receive so many models that do nothing more then attack the family and rip it apart. We cannot allow ourself to buy into the ways of the world, but to hold firm in choosing to live for Christ.

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, graciously hear our prayer. Amen.

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