We are told that robbers left this man half dead. Without the intervention of others he surely would of died. Through the charity of others he was restored to the health which he once enjoyed. Likewise, each of us must remain dependent upon the care of those who exist outside of our self.
The sacramental life of the church is like this inn keeper who took care of the needs of this man. Through this domain we receive grace which is a free gift that comes to us from God in order that we may live out good and holy lives. If we turn inward upon self we forget about this gift and attempt to live out the life of faith all alone.
As robbers came to attack this man, so too does the wicked one attempt to lead us away from God. It would be spiritual pride to think that we are immune to these pursuits and thus not in need of God’s grace which assists us that we may turn away from vice and towards virtue in the midst of every temptation that comes our way.
Many people looked the other way when it pertained to this man, but thankfully the Samaritan was willing to stop. Christ is this samaritan who is God made Flesh. It is He who died upon the cross in order that we come to be redeemed. In ascending to His Father who is in Heaven did not leave us alone, but entrusted us with the Church.
Hopefully we can see the importance that lies in wait for us through others. In sin we were left for dead, but Christ lifted us out of this plight. We have been entrusted to the life of the Church and are given all that we need in order for us to live good and holy lives. Just like this man we have been given life, so let us live this life of faith in the midst of the world instead of turning away from it.
In the words of Saint Maximilian Kolbe, “The most deadly poison of our times is indifference. And this happens, although the raise of God should know no limits. Let us strive, therefore, to praise Him to the greatest extend of our powers.” It is through such indifference that we turn away from God and decide that we will do it alone.
No matter what it may be that we face in this life let us come to understand that we are not going through it alone. No matter the temptation that we continue to wrestle with let us realize that we have been strengthened to turn away from it. In all things let us rejoice for the life that we have received through the gift of faith.
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