Sunday, July 21, 2024

16th Sunday of OT Year B Homily

We live in the midst of a culture that does not make rest a priority. It seems that we are always on the go to accomplish our next task. Therefore, the Lord leaves us with some pretty important words, “Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.”

We cannot confuse this command to rest as a form of sloth. It is not slothful to take care of our needs. It only becomes slothful when we do not make time to accomplish our tasks according to our vocation and state in life. It becomes slothful in the spiritual life when we fail to make time for prayer.

In the Gospel of Saint Matthew our Lord states, “Come to me, all who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest.” From this we can ascertain that the Lord is the one who gives us rest in the midst of all that we face in this life. It is for this reason that we cannot fail to build up a relationship with Him because we are too busy finding our rest in other pursuits.

Let us remember that during creation “God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work he had done in creation.” As Catholics we are to observe Sunday as this day of rest because this is the day of the Lord’s Resurrection. Likewise, this day must be sanctified by us and set apart from the other days of the week. It is for this reason that it is a serious sin to miss Mass on Sunday and holy days of obligation.

It is hard in our modern day society to find such rest. Nevertheless, this is something that we should be mindful of. Through such mindfulness we begin to make a priority of that which is most important. When something becomes a priority it becomes something that is habitual and unable to be sacrificed.

Let us heed these words of our Blessed Lord. Such rest does not disconnect us from God. Such rest is an invitation to allow God into our life and home in order that our life may be modeled after His. If we are unwilling to make time for such rest it is difficult to open our heart to God and the movement of His grace.

Be not too busy to rest. Be not too busy to pray. Be not too busy to study Sacred Scripture and the faith. Be not too busy to be here for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Each of us, despite our busyness, are in need of rest. Let us find our rest in Him.

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