Sunday, April 21, 2024

3rd Sunday After Easter Homily (Extraordinary Form)

We must remember that we are pilgrims on a journey towards eternal life. We see this echoed to us in our epistle where Saint Peter addresses us as “strangers and pilgrims” and calls us “to refrain from carnal desires, which war against the soul.” Therefore, we cannot set our sight upon things of this world, but of things which are to come.

So often people find their “joy” in the ways of this world which are disordered. None of these actions can lead someone towards true happiness and joy. Our introit calls us to “shout with joy to God.” Indeed we are to shout with joy to God despite the daily struggle because we come to acknowledge the one who truly fills us to the fullest degree.

In coming to encounter the Lord we were told in our Gospel, “A little while, and now you shall not see Me: and again a little while, and you shall see Me.” These words show the toil that must take place within us if we are to find such joy. So often people of faith are willing to give up hope instead of persevering in their practice of faith.

We know that the apostles had to undergo a lot at the time of our Lord’s Passion. Here they are being prepared for that moment for not only will He die, but He will live as He rises on the third day. So too the sufferings and toils of this life are fleeting before us for from the cross springs forth the joy of the Lord’s Resurrection. This is the virtue of hope that is stirred forth from this moment.

We too must have this virtue stirred up within the depths of our own heart. Without hope there would be a lot which would beat down upon us and cause us to surrender our faith. Despite what we may perceive to be going on within the Church we must hold steadfast in our practice of faith. Despite the temptation that continues to rip upon us we must not give up hope, but remain united with His mercy that endures forever. If and when we are able to do this we will discover that joy which was referenced in our introit.

This season of Easter is a time of great hope for the tomb was found to be empty. From the emptiness of this tomb we are able to go to persevere for there is nothing dead to be found when it pertains to the faith that we profess with our hearts, minds, and lips. Let us be sent forth from this place in order to be filled with the joy of the Gospel, no matter what takes place around us. From this joy let us live an authentic faith that is centered upon Christ and His Church that He has established on this earth. It is this Church that will assist us on our pilgrimage from this life to the life which is to come.

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