Through this parable of the unjust steward the Lord is giving us a lesson on what is important for us to be a just steward. The unjust steward looked upon all that was entrusted to his care for his own enjoyment. In order to be a just steward we must be righteous and realize that everything that we have received is a gift that comes to us from God.
If we would continue reading where our Gospel had left off we would hear: “The person who is trustworthy in very small matters is also trustworthy in great ones; and the person who is dishonest in very small matters is also dishonest in great ones.”
If we consider the small matters that have been entrusted to our care such as earthly wealth we should realize that they are nothing compared to great ones which is our heavenly reward. This is the greatest riches that we receive and yet we so often get caught up in the small matters that rip us away from entering more fully into this reality.
Therefore we are called to be generous with all that has been entrusted to our care. Generosity is a virtue that overcomes the vice of greed. As we are told from the Gospel of Saint Matthew: “You received without pay, give without pay.” It is through generosity that we give of ourselves out of love. We see this love extended to us from God who out of love created each and every single one of us in His image. This love is also exhibited to us from the cross where laid down His life for us.
As was stated by Saint Gregory Nazianezen, “Give something, however small, to the one in need. For it is not small to one who has nothing. Neither is it small to God, if we have given what we could.”
If we are consumed with greed we will find ourself to be like the unjust steward who was caught up in his own needs. He was unable to look upon another and their needs and act out of generosity. He instead did everything in order to serve himself. He lived for himself and not for others. In our greed we follow similar suit and become truly impoverished through our greed for it is generosity that enriches us.
We must be willing to be a just steward in all that we do. God has entrusted so much to our care and we cannot squander that which has been entrusted to us. Out of generosity we must take what we have received and extend it unto others in a spirit of charity. Through greed we become impoverished while through our generosity we receive a great reward because we do not allow this life to consume us to the point that we are no longer grounded in God’s love.
My brothers and sisters in Christ let us realize that we are called to live as such servants in all that has been entrusted to us by God. We are called upon to not be our own servants, but servants of the Lord. Servants who are willing to serve Him in all things including our charity shown to one another. Let us be a good steward with all that has been entrusted to our care.
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