Sunday, June 25, 2023

4th Sunday After Pentecost Homily

Through the lens of Sacred Scripture the apostles always do a poor job at fishing. As they told the Lord, “Master, we have labored all the night, and have taken nothing.” It is only when they opened their heart to Him and responded to His call that they were successful. “But at Thy word I will let down the net. And when they had done this, they enclosed a very great multitude of fishes and their net broke.”

This lesson is important for each of us. We so often go about our life without first opening our heart unto God. Each of us are called to serve the Lord in some way through our baptism and confirmation. For this reason it becomes important that we discern God’s call that is being made manifest within our life. Some are called to be priests, others to religious life, others to marriage, and for those who have authentically chosen it the single life.

Some lament that we are in the midst of a vocation crisis. They state this in reference to the priesthood and religious life. At the same time we should reflect that there is also a crisis when it pertains to marriage because many find themselves in marriage without first discerning God’s call. Therefore, we must open our heart unto the Lord for this is the way in which we discern God’s call.

For those who have already responded to God’s call to a vocation we must make a constant renewal of what has taken place within us. Prayer is something that cannot be forgotten, but must be integral to our life. Also through the sacramental life of the Church we are nourished and strengthened to faithfully live out our vocation as a gift that has come to us from God in order that we may pursue holiness in our everyday life.

The profession of the apostles in our Gospel are fisherman. This is how they provided for their wellbeing. Yet the Lord came and called them to abandon their nets and to follow after Him for He would make them fishers of men. At this invitation they abandoned their nets and followed after Him. So too we must remain open to the Lord and be willing to go where He has called us to go.

In this Church there are those who have been called by God to enter into a specific vocation. Some have already entered into this vocation and embraced it. Others have entered into a vocation and must continue to work at participating in the gift of God’s grace. Others need to open their heart in order that this call may be made manifest within their life.

It should be no secret that we need an increase of good and holy marriages. It should be no secret that we are in need of the witness of those who have entered into the religious life. It should be no secret that we are in need of an increase of priests. Let us continue to pray for an increase of vocations and be willing to go wherever the Lord leads us.

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