Light becomes the central theme to our readings. Light is something that we long for especially when it is deprived of our senses for a good period of time. I personally have a longing for light when the evenings grow dark at an early hour. Thankfully, since December 21st days have gradually started to lengthen.
The birth of Saint John the Baptist is celebrated on June 24th. This day is close to the summer solstice which is that time where days begin to shorten. Daylight shortens until Christmas when once again days begin to lengthen. As Saint John the Baptist stated, “He must increase, while I must decrease.”
Saint John the Baptist spent his life pointing towards another who would come. This other was the Messiah who is Christ our Lord. He called people to repentance in order that they may be found prepared for this most important of days. Through taking up this call they prepared themselves to behold this great light which would dispel the sadness of sin and death.
As the Lord came to state in the Gospel of Saint John, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” We must continue to attune our heart and soul towards this great light. As the Book of Isaiah has stated, “The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; upon those who dwell in the land of gloom a light has shone.”
We must continue to attune our heart and soul towards this great light. In the midst of darkness there is always hope for Christ the light is in our midst. He has already laid down His life for us out of love upon the wood of the cross. Through His life giving action each of us have come to be redemeed.
Day by day we must choose to allow this light to enter into our life and illuminate us. Continue to live for the Lord by dispelling sin from your midst. It is sin that creeps in and attempts to block this light from springing forth. Partipate in the sacrament of Confession in order that this light may come to be lived.
In all things let us glorify God by our life and allow Him to be that light that dispels the darkness of sin and death from our midst. Indeed the Lord is our light and our salvation, let us place our trust in Him. With our trust place in Him this great light will always shine forth no matter what takes place around us.