Sunday, December 25, 2022

Christmas Homily

Merry Christmas!

This time of the year is filled with many Christmas movies and songs. Many of these present the common theme of having a desire to receive a gift. Be it a Red Rider BB gun or your two front teeth. As Christians we have received a much greater gift than any of these or any other gift that our mind can fathom.

Today we do not get caught up in worldly allure, but instead come to proclaim a great truth. That we who have been touched by the darkness of sin and death have come to see a great light. It is this gift which brings calm over the whole world. 

If we look at the ways of the world we can see people like you and me who are in need of such a gift. There is violence that ravishes foreign lands, violence against the unborn, violence that attacks the family. There is always something more for us to be worried about when it pertains to what our future may hold; be it health, money, or work. We have been touched by the death of those who have gone before us into life eternal and must eventually face our own death which comes in the twinkling of an eye.

Thankfully, we proclaim a great gift this night. Towards this gift angels adore, shepherds give reverence, and kings give homage. O come let us adore Him for this gift is Christ the King. It is this child who is the Word made Flesh. This means that God’s love is so great that He took on our human flesh and dwelt among us. He is not just a human child, but is fully God and fully human. Not just one among many gifts, but THE gift.

Let us have a blessed Christmas season. Let us allow Christ to be the one whom we adore as we come to be present with Him in sacrament and word. Where there is fear, despair, and sin come to Him in order to give homage for He is the light that frees you from all that holds you captive. Let us give reverence to Him for no other gift can compare to this gift. O come let us adore Him for He is the gift that we truly seek.