Tuesday, November 1, 2022

All Saints Homily

Today we celebrate the Solemnity of All Saints.

All of us are called upon to strive to be saints and to live as such during our time on this earth. The saints have gone before us into life eternal and they have been found worthy of Heaven. Through their entry into Heaven they have entered into the Beatific Vision. They now pray for us in order that we may join with them for all eternity in their perfect worship of God.

The saints show us the many twists and turns that life takes and they always show us that victory is something which is possible. Each saint teaches us a different lesson, but each of them reaches the same reward. Some of them seemingly lived a life of sanctity from the start while others began to pursue God at a much later date. No matter the path that their life had taken the end result was the same in all cases. They lived a life of sanctity, they died in the state of grace, and they are now with God in Heaven.

The saints are not just some characters in a fiction book, but are are real people like you and me. They had their imperfections, but they lived for Christ. They show us that such a path towards sanctity is possible for us if we so desire it. In our modern society we so often are concerned what celebrities are doing. We are more attuned to the ongoing activities of athletes and tv stars then the lives of these holy people who have gone before us. The more that we concern ourself with their lives and take up devotion to them the more we will love God. Devotion to the saints does not end at the saint, but transcends towards God. It is this devotion and love for God which will lead us towards a life a sanctity to where we will be found worthy of Heaven.

Are we concerned with this call to be a saint? What is holding us back from reaching this calling that has been extended to us? Are we willing to cut away what might be holding us back from God or would we rather latch onto it at the peril of our own soul? Let us be sent forth from here to live as saints who desire to share Eternal Life with God for all eternity.

May all the angels and saints of Heaven, pray for us!

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