Sunday, September 11, 2022

24th Sunday of OT Year C Homily

“When he does find it, he sets it on his shoulders with great joy.”The parable of the lost sheep and coin gives us a glimpse into God’s abundant mercy which is constantly being extended to each of us.

At the heart of each of these parables is an emphasis placed upon seeking out the sinner through diligence and love. The sheep wondered away and out of diligence and love the shepherd went out in search for it. The coin was lost, but out of diligence and love the woman went in search in order to find it.

The image of the sheep and their shepherd is an important image for us to comprehend. Throughout Sacred Scripture sheep are mentioned on many occasions. The sheep was the treasure of the shepherd and thus he would do everything necessary to protect his treasure. The sheep is in need of a protector or it will wonder off and get into trouble. The shepherd would act out of diligence and love to make sure that his sheep would receive this protection which would keep each of them safe.

The Lord also acts out of diligence and love when it pertains to us. He is constantly going out in search for that one who has wondered away in order that He can place him upon His shoulders and bring him back to the flock. Some beat themselves up over past sins that have already been confessed and fail to realize and trust in the love of the shepherd that has already brought them back into the unity of the flock. The Lord knows no bounds when it pertains to going out in search for us.

We must also act out of diligence and love when it pertains to others who have wondered away from the confines of the flock which is the Church. Instead of balancing prudence and charity we can take that route that cuts people off from the healing and reconciliation that ought to take place. As people of faith we cannot be concerned with a percentage of souls, but must be concerned that all souls be saved. That includes those who are most difficult for us to get along with as well as our family and friends. 

Let us further invite Christ the Good Shepherd to enter into our life in order that we may remain protected from all harm that may befall us. Where we have wondered away may we allow ourself to return to His mercy. May we look towards our brother and sister in Christ and always do what we can in order to bring them back to the safety of the flock. Out of diligence and love may we be sent forth from here to share the Gospel message with all those whom we encounter.

“Upon his arrival home, he calls together his friends and neighbors and says to them, ‘Rejoice with me because I have found my lost sheep.” Let us be the instruments of this mercy by sharing in His diligence and love.

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