Sunday, January 30, 2022

4th Sunday in OT Year C Homily

Today we officially begin Catholic Schools Week. This week serves as a celebration of Catholic education and its continued importance for the church and the world. As a parish we have been entrusted with the ministry of a Catholic school. Saint Mary School is a blessing to this community and continues to be a vibrant school which oversees the education of the children entrusted to its care. Please continue to pray for the students, teachers, and staff of our school. Following Mass there will be an open house of our school. I invite you and your family to walk the halls of our school for this is indeed one of the ministries of our parish.

Next weekend we will hold the annual bishop’s appeal. This year the bishop’s appeal has been entitled, “Bishop’s Appeal for Ministries: Building up the Church in East Tennessee.” This is the perfect title to this appeal because it highlights the importance of ministry and how ministry helps to build up the Church. Inside of your bulletin you will find an insert which outlines the many ways in which this appeal goes to aid the many ministries which make up the Diocese of Knoxville, and in some ways even serve our own parish community.

At our parish we continue to have many generous people who make up the many ministries of this parish. This is seen through our financial commitment to this parish, our gift of time to the various activities of this parish, and the gift of the talents of so many who use what they are good at to the benefit of this parish community. About six months ago our parish held it’s Stewarship Appeal where many committed themselves to this important area of parish life known as stewardship. Among our parish life we have so many ministries which continue to function despite the difficulties with modern day life when it pertains to the struggles that exist due to COVID-19.

Likewise, the diocese has many ministries which it continues to oversee. In order to fund these various ministries the success of the bishop’s appeal is very important. The bishop’s appeal assists the local Church of East Tennessee to going out from itself and reaching so many who find themselves in need. Through the bishop’s appeal we are able to provide for the needs of Catholic Charities and the mobile clinic which goes out to impoverished areas of our diocese. We are able to assist with the education of our youth in the faith especially those at college campuses such as ETSU. We are able to provide for the education of seminarians and clergy which serves the whole church of East Tennessee no matter our parish.

Saint Paul’s Epistle documented to us the importance of the virtue of love. To enter into ministry is to participate in the love of Christ. The love of Christ always sends us outward to be found in service for others. In this manner we assist in building up the Church for all. I thank each of you for your continued commitment to ministry at our parish for this is indeed a form of love. Please pray for the success of this year’s bishop’s appeal in order that we may continue to provide for the many ministries which make up the Diocese of Knoxville.

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