Sunday, November 28, 2021

1st Sunday of Advent Year C Homily

Today we celebrate the 1st Sunday of Advent where we begin to prepare for Christ’s first coming at the Nativity.

There are three figures which are most important in any Nativity scene. You must have the Christ child and the Blessed Mother. You must also have Saint Jospeh. We place much emphasis on these first two (and rightly so), but so often forget about the importance of the later. As Saint John XXIII stated, “But Jospeh for long centuries remained in the background, in his characteristic concealment, almost a decorative figure in the overall picture of the Savior’s life.”

On December 8th we will celebrate the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. This solemnity brings about the conclusion of the Year of Saint Joseph which we have been in since this past December 8th. With that December 8th will be the final occasion where we will pray the prayer to Saint Joseph after Mass.

Saint Jospeh is a key figure in Sacred Scripture who so often goes overlooked. Saint Joseph is important because he never allowed his heart to become drowsy. Despite the anxiteties of his everyday life he remained with God and came to adore the Lord. He was a man who kept viligent at all times for he was the protector of the family.

As we enter into this Advent season may we come to do so through the intercession of Saint Joseph. Saint Joseph married Mary and would not divorce her due to her being found with child. As the angel of the Lord had come to instruct him in a dream: “Jospeh, son of David, do not be afraid to take to you Mary your wife, for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit.”

As we say in the Prayer to Saint Joseph, “Guardian of the Redeemer, spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary.” It was at the Annuciation that Mary received the Word made Flesh in her womb. From this point forward Saint Joseph would be his guardian. Saint Jospeh exemplifies the importance of obedience of faith.

Of this obedience the Second Vatican Council stated: “The obedience of faith must be given to God as he reveals himself. By this obedience of faith man freely commits himself entirely to God, making the full submission of his intellect and will to God who reveals, and willingly assenting to the revelation given by him.”

As we now prepare, in this Advent season, for the celebration of our Lord’s Nativity let us desire this same faith which Saint Joseph came to exemplify. God is constantly being revealed unto us, but we are constantly bombarded with so many distractions which cause us to loose sight of this reality. Advent is an invitation to focus upon the Lord’s coming in order to hear His voice more clearly in order that we may respond to it by our life. 

Saint Joseph, pray for us, that we may prepare the way for the Lord’s coming among us.